Because We Don’t Need To Destroy What’s Best About San Francisco To Make It Better

San Francisco is at a crossroads. Will our city embrace proven and compassionate policies to reduce homelessness, keep communities safe, promote equal economic opportunity, and make our city affordable without destroying the fundamental character of our neighborhoods? Or, will we allow a handful of real estate speculators, tech billionaires, and right-wing conservatives to take our city backwards and adopt regressive policies that benefit the few, not the many?

Neighbors and Communities United is dedicated to proposing and promoting smart and practical solutions that make our city safer, more affordable, allow homeless neighbors to come indoors, and make our city government effective and honest. Neighbors and Communities United will educate San Franciscans about important community issues, promote neighborhood discussions and community involvement, and gauge public views about community matters.

Action Alert!

Important Alert for All Those Who Love San Francisco’s Beautiful Neighborhood Shopping Streets!

Developers and their allies at City Hall are now proposing a massive zoning change that will allow luxury buildings in almost every San Francisco residential shopping district — without any significant affordable housing. This means land values will immediately jump — raising rents and forcing small businesses out of our neighborhoods.

The proposal allows for destruction of existing buildings without guaranteeing that enough affordable homes will be built or small neighborhood businesses will be protected.

Current property owners would get a massive give-away through up-zoning, while real estate speculators would profit from tearing apart the fabric of our neighborhoods — without creating the affordable housing we need.

We can build tens of thousands of new units downtown, South of Market, on Treasure Island and in the Hunters Point Shipyard. We don’t need to destroy small businesses and tear apart the fabric of our neighborhoods to get the affordable housing we need.

Yes — we can build the housing we need without massive market-rate towers on our neighborhood shopping streets!

Action Alert!

Stand with Renters and Keep our Families in San Francisco!

Don’t let big corporate landlords stop efforts to prevent displacement and strengthen rent control! We are still losing our neighbors to displacement — and the only solution is stronger protection for renters. Stand up for your neighbors! Stand for stronger rent control.

YesI support stronger rent control to stop displacement and keep our families in San Francisco!

Action Alert!

Show your Support for a Comprehensive Approach to Public Safety!

Some politicians just tried to cut proven public safety programs like community ambassadors, while de-prioritizing other programs like job training, drug treatment, and mental healthcare that are proven to reduce crime. We need better community policing AND more tools like community ambassadors and behavioral/health services to keep our neighborhoods safe.

YesI support a comprehensive approach to safety!

Action Alert!

Important Alert for All Those Who Love San Francisco’s Beautiful Neighborhood Shopping Streets!

Developers and their allies at City Hall are now proposing a massive zoning change that will allow buildings as high as 16 stories in almost every San Francisco residential shopping district — without any significant affordable housing. This means land values will immediately jump — raising rents and forcing small businesses out of our neighborhoods.

The proposal allows for destruction of existing buildings without guaranteeing that enough affordable homes will be built or small neighborhood businesses will be protected.

Current property owners would get a massive give-away through up-zoning, while real estate speculators would profit from tearing apart the fabric of our neighborhoods — without creating the affordable housing we need.

We can build tens of thousands of new units downtown, South of Market, on Treasure Island and in the Hunters Point Shipyard. We don’t need to destroy small businesses and tear apart the fabric of our neighborhoods to get the affordable housing we need.

Yes — we can build the housing we need without massive market-rate towers on our neighborhood shopping streets!

Show your Support for a Comprehensive Approach to Public Safety!

Some politicians just tried to cut proven public safety programs like community ambassadors, while de-prioritizing other programs like job training, drug treatment, and mental healthcare that are proven to reduce crime. We need better community policing AND more tools like community ambassadors and behavioral/health services to keep our neighborhoods safe.

YesI support a comprehensive approach to safety!

Stand with Renters and Keep our Families in San Francisco!

Don’t let big corporate landlords stop efforts to prevent displacement and strengthen rent control! We are still losing our neighbors to displacement — and the only solution is stronger protection for renters. Stand up for your neighbors! Stand for stronger rent control.

YesI support stronger rent control to stop displacement and keep our families in San Francisco!

It’s time to fight back.

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Our Mission

Our group will unite resident leaders from all of San Francisco’s diverse neighborhoods and all of our vibrant communities so we can move beyond toxic politics and find common ground. We will work together to build support for solutions with community meetings, direct outreach to San Franciscans, and through sharing important information with neighborhoods. We will educate residents about community matters and encourage neighborhoods to share information with each other for the benefit of the whole city.

We will focus first on core civic challenges and work to adopt proven and evidence-based solutions, such as:


Creating truly affordable housing where it enhances the unique character of our neighborhoods, while supporting tenants and standing firm against displacement. Stopping the disastrous proposals backed by speculators that would put buildings as high as 16 stories or even more in our neighborhood shopping districts without enough affordable housing or any protections for small businesses — many of which would be priced out of business. We know we can build the housing we need in places like downtown and South of Market without displacing small businesses and tearing apart our neighborhoods.


Creating both permanent supportive housing and safe and decent temporary shelters for our homeless residents, and making better use of current shelters so everyone has the opportunity to come indoors, while addressing the underlying causes of homelessness, including the high cost of housing and mental health and substance use disorders.


Adopting proven public safety policies, such as community policing, restorative justice, and cost-effective programs like job training and drug treatment that reduce crime. 


Fighting corruption in city government and making sure that our city’s precious resources are being spent effectively and honestly. 


Growing and strengthening our local economy so it is creating more middle class jobs and supporting locally-owned small businesses. 

You can help by making your donation of any amount today.

Paid for by Neighbors and Communities United

4104 24th Street, Suite 939, San Francisco, CA 94114

Neighbors and Communities United is an IRC Section 501(c)(4) organization.

Contributions to this organization are not tax deductible.