Take Action

We Don’t Need To Destroy
Neighborhood Small Businesses
to Create More Housing!

We all know we need to make housing more affordable in San Francisco. But we don’t need to put legacy small businesses out of business to do that. We don’t need to destroy the character of our neighborhood shopping streets with high-rise buildings (that are not affordable!) that will demolish existing historic buildings. And we certainly don’t need to turn over important decisions about the future of our city to real estate speculators.

But that’s exactly what Mayor London Breed, and many of her developer supporters, are now proposing. They want to allow high-rise buildings on neighborhood shopping streets like 24th Street in Noe Valley, Taraval, Irving and Judah Streets in the Sunset, Polk Street on Russian Hill, Clement Street in the Richmond District, Union Street in Cow Hollow, Mission Street near Bernal Heights and in many other historic shopping districts throughout San Francisco.

They are doing this in the name of “affordability.” But few, if any, of these new buildings will contain any affordable units. What will happen if this terrible proposal is adopted is that land values on these shopping streets will immediately skyrocket because of the massive up-zoning creating a wave of speculation that will lead to higher rents and destruction of legacy businesses. And that’s before the existing buildings are demolisheddisplacing small businesses for years or forever.

We don’t need to destroy San Francisco to save it! Help us fight back. Join the Neighbors and Communities Uniting to fight for a San Francisco where we build new affordable housing where it makes San Francisco betterand not where it makes our city worse.

Don't Destroy and Displace Neighborhood Small Businesses with Massive Luxury Housing Towers!

I agree — we can build the housing we need without
massive towers on our neighborhood shopping streets.


Real Estate Speculators are pouring money into San Francisco politics (and giving massive amounts to state politicians too). They want a blank check to build their market rate housing where it maximizes their profitsnot where it makes our city better. And they want to build luxury housingnot the kind of middle class and affordable housing we need to keep teachers, nurses, Muni operators, and the backbone of our middle class and working families in San Francisco.

This new proposal is very real and the time to fight back is right now. Will you join us to fight for housing where it makes sense not where it makes our city worse?

We hope you will join us to fight for housing where it makes senseand to oppose high-rise buildings in our neighborhood businesses corridors.

Take the next action for
our Neighborhood and Communities.

Show your Support for a Comprehensive
Approach to Safety!

The Mayor just tried to cut proven safety programs like community ambassadors, and she is not prioritizing the proven programs like job training, drug treatment, and mental health that are proven to reduce crime. We need better community policing AND proven tools like community ambassadors and treatment to keep our neighborhoods safe.

Yes — I support a comprehensive approach to safety!


Take the next action for
our Neighborhood and Communities.

Stand with Renters and Keep our
Families in San Francisco!

Don’t let big corporate landlords stop efforts to prevent displacement and strengthen rent control! We are still losing our neighbors to displacementand the only solution is stronger protection for renters. Stand up for your neighbors! Stand for stronger rent control.

Yes — I support stronger rent control to stop
displacements and keep our families in San Francisco!


Paid for by Neighbors and Communities United

4104 24th Street, Suite 939, San Francisco, CA 94114

Neighbors and Communities United is an IRC Section 501(c)(4) organization.

Contributions to this organization are not tax deductible.